I help people heal through 12 transformational sessions.

Countless people struggle with addiction, depression, anxiety, fear, and other negative experiences rooted in trauma. Seth is a life coach who found radical freedom for himself and has since had years of practice guiding others into the experience of healing and freedom they desire, so they can live with more peace, joy, and openness.

Read his clients’ stories below.



“I am genuinely the happiest I’ve been in years, thank you so much Seth. You’re not only a game changer but you’re a life changer.”

— Carly Beyar, Content Creator & Entrepreneur


“Seth has pushed me to be more present, and in doing that he has been able to help me explore new depths of joy in everyday experiences and challenges.”

— Jeremiah Gutjar, Professional Soccer Player, Chicago Fire


“I have enormous respect for Seth Taylor. He lives the integrity that we need for the way forward today.”

— John Philip Newell, Author & Speaker


“Seth has helped completely change my life around. I experience my days from a completely different lens now because of the skills and coaching he’s provided me in our 12 sessions. He made me a promise that I would beat addiction if I do everything he said, and by session 10 I had done just that. I even extended another 12 sessions with him, because his teachings and guidance opened up more than just beating addiction. It opened up a completely new way of seeing and living that I was excited to explore after addiction. It was a no-brainer to continue to work with Seth and I am sure we will be working together for a long time to come. Thanks Seth, you’re the man.”

— Kenny V, age 24


“‘You can’t take someone where you have not been yourself.’ After getting to know Seth, it is obvious that he has lived this journey. Much of Seth’s knowledge and insight has been born out of practical experience; this fact did not disappoint. I had been processing on my own, dealing with my pain and trauma using the principles Seth shares on the healing journey. However, I cam to a point where I was ‘stuck’. With his guidance and insight, each step was finding those fragmented parts of my life, areas of disappointment, healing me into a deeper wholeness and peace. It was a life-changing experience for me, individual and unique. I have no hesitation in recommending life coaching with Seth and I am so grateful for this experience.”

— Craig Weir, age 54


“Seth gave me my life back. When I met MyPilgrimage, I had bottomed out. My marriage had failed; I was addicted to pornography and severely depressed. Standard therapy had helped me cope with some of it, but the torment continued. Seth cut through the confusion in our first session. Over months, as we explored feelings and past trauma, I began to heal and change. My depression and addiction ended. For the first time in decades I felt excited about life, happy and hopeful—including about love. People saw the changes big-time, too. The best thing is that the tools I learned are for the rest of my life.”

— David Salmon, age 69


“Working with Seth Taylor has been the most significant pivotal point in my entire life. Most of my life before I started working with Seth has been vastly unconscious and I walked around with an intense addiction to porn, depression, and a lack of confidence in myself. I’ve tried so hard to navigate through these struggles within the evangelical belief system that I was raised in, and I was let down countless times. I almost gave up hope that a fulfilling life of abundance and joy was possible before death. Once I started doing sessions with Seth, all of that started to change surprisingly quickly. My addiction was gone, along with my depression. My confidence for myself shot up steadily to the point where I started taking chances and pursuing the things in life I wanted. My life became a very deep space in which I continually dive deeper into the questions of who I am, what I want, and what my purpose is. I have so much gratitude for the work Seth is doing in so many lives and I hope to make an impact on culture and someday change history like he is doing.”

— Nikhil Pilli, age 21


“Seth showed me the path to a life I feel I can honestly and enthusiastically call good. When I started working with him, I had a lot of shame-based religious programming I was shedding. I was also carrying many wounds on an unconscious level. Combining that deep pain with the unhelpful beliefs I was raised with had brought me to a place where I carried an almost decade-long addiction to pornography, I felt a strong dislike (even hatred) toward myself, and I felt disconnected from my life. When I was ready to heal, Seth came alongside with priceless wisdom, kindness, and guidance. In 10 weeks, I had shed an addiction I had carried for almost as many years. Further, Seth helped me begin reconnecting to the good and beautiful things in life, including my true desires. He helped me set an intention for a life of abundance, adventure, companionship, and profound influence. Since then, I have had experience after experience in those categories, from moving to a new place and doing work I love, to meeting an amazing woman and establishing a deep, intimate connection with her, to literally being handed hundreds of dollars. It all came as I began healing and removing the internal blocks. Without a doubt, Seth has been absolutely instrumental as my guide into a life I can truly love.”

— Avery Koranda, age 21


“Seriously so grateful to Seth for mentoring me through lifting the obstacles in my own soulspace in order to take on this glorious expansion. His coaching service has been invaluable to me. I highly recommend it to anybody longing to stretch and soar to new heights but experiencing restriction or feeling stuck. I have been heartfully searching and growing exponentially for the last 8 years since my rock bottom, but recently felt I had plateaued, unable to continue expanding and rising.

The problem turned out to be so much deeper than what it seemed to me and Seth was very insightful and sensitive in guiding me through untangling and resolving what was festering beneath. I have not experienced such a holistic and powerful approach which also felt completely natural and thorough.

Although I’ve had great therapists and counseling in the past this was Something Else. A whole new, much deeper kind of therapy which is soul-restoring and spirit-affirming in its effect. I am convinced I could not have accessed this kind of information any other way and I’m so grateful to have stumbled upon Seth through an Ideas Digest podcast interview. A bell was ringing as I listened and I just knew this was somehow vital to my journey.

And as a coach, it’s been extra powerful being coached too… a rich and timely unfurling.

THANK YOU SETH FOR PROVIDING such a powerful opportunity. Forever grateful.”

— Ange Miller, Artist & Coach